School News

Terry Fox

Our Leadership classes have been learning about Terry Fox’s courage, humility, determination, and perseverance during his Marathon of Hope. We learned that when Terry was diagnosed with bone cancer at the age of 18, he had a 50% chance of survival. Today, his chances would be 80% –  cancer research has led to better treatments and greater chances of survival. We were touched when we realized that Terry Fox wasn’t much older than most high school students when he was diagnosed. We are inspired to raise funds for cancer research and continue spreading Terry Fox’s message of hope and fight against cancer! This video was especially inspiring as it reminded us of “The Power of One”.

We are writing this letter to ask for your support by donating to our Terry Fox campaign. Our goal is to raise $7000 for cancer research. Your generous donation can help us support cancer research and spread Terry’s message of hope. We are confident we can reach this goal with the support from our school community. Terry Fox said, “Nobody is ever going to call me a quitter” and we are inspired to meet our goal.

Our school community is proud and excited to collect funds for the Terry Fox Foundation in support of cancer research while raising school spirit and celebrating a sense of hope in times of difficulty. We are hoping you will join us in our fundraising efforts by making a donation to this worthy cause!  If you would like to make a donation, please go to thank you!  Thank you for supporting our school in the fight against cancer and keeping Terry’s dream alive.