Graduation Transitions is a requirement for all BC Secondary Students. As the Ministry of Education transitions to and implements the new BC Graduation program, Burnaby Central Secondary Grads of 2019 will continue with the Grad Transitions Program. Grad Transitions is an opportunity for students to reflect on their preparation and plans for their lives after graduation. In order to graduate, students must complete the following Graduation Transitions requirements:
COMMUNITY CONNECTIONS – 30 Hours: Work or Volunteer Experience
Students must complete and submit paperwork a minimum of 30 hours of work experience and/or community volunteer experience between grades 10 and 12. The following options are ways to complete the 30 hours of work experience requirement:
- 30 hours of paid work (part-time or a summer job) at a suitable business.
- 30 hours of volunteer work with an approved community business or organization outside of Burnaby Central.
- Or see Mrs.Clauson in Room A233 to arrange and complete 30 hours of work experience
CAREER AND LIFE – Graduation Transition Plan and Interview
Each graduating student must complete and submit a TYPED Graduation Transition Plan assignment which demonstrates their readiness to move on as young adults in the community after graduating from high school. The assignment requires students to research post secondary schools, suitable careers, finances, health and wellness. The Graduation Plan is due on Thursday, November 30th, 2018. Please hand in to Ms. Morabito, Ms. Neves or Mr. I. Steko in Room A233.
In addition, each graduating student must participate in a Graduation Transitions Interview before they leave Burnaby Central. Students will reflect on their life so far and explain their future plans. They must be dressed professionally and will need to bring their resume. Lastly, students must also present one piece of evidence that demonstrates their personal growth. This year, interviews will take place on Friday, January 25th, 2019.
All students are welcome to drop by Room A233 during period 3 and meet with Ms. Morabito, Ms. Neves or Mr. I. Steko if they have questions or need support in satisfying their grad requirements.