
Student Attendance – please call in!

Parents/Guardians are reminded that if their child will not be coming to school, please call Burnaby Central at 604-296-6850. It would be helpful to indicate reason for absence. For example…illness, dental/ dr appointment, family event.  This will give us an understanding when a child may return to school.

A reminder of the importance of doing a Daily Health Check, and not coming to school if ill, including sore throat, runny nose, cough, fever, loss of smell/taste, diarrhea, nausea or vomiting, body aches/chills or difficulty breathing. Please call 811 if you are experiencing any Covid symptoms for further direction.   Please also follow federal requirements regarding returning from travel outside of Canada.

For questions and concerns about COVID affecting your family please go to this link (BCCDC) for more information.

Thank you for your assistance and cooperation in this regard.